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Promoting your Website with Search Engine Optimization

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Search Engine Optimization, Google, SEO, Web Traffic, WebsiteAre you looking to expand and build upon your newly constructed website, but do not know where to start? Here at Run DMC we can help you get started by introducing and helping you utilize SEO. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization which is “the art, craft, and science of driving web traffic to web sites.”

Why is SEO so important to your website? Primarily, using search engine optimization is one of the best ways to help promote your website to the public. Search engine optimization, if utilized correctly, can help your website rise to the top of the search engine listings. Here at Run DMC it is our duty to help put our clients in the best position to succeed; and in this situation it lies at the top of the search engine listing.

Web traffic is essential to the growth and development of any website, in other words, if no one is viewing your website it will not grow. The type of website you have will influence the type of web traffic you will want to ascertain. Some web sites depend on broad, general traffic, while others are looking for high-quality, targeting traffic. It is important that you first figure out what type of web traffic will be most beneficial to your website. If you are unsure about your desired web traffic feel free to refer to the links below; or set up a consultation with one of our many trained professionals.

Why is it important to be on the top of the search engine listing? It is important because at the top of the search engine listing is where a majority of the web traffic is located. The click through rate for top organic websites increases the higher up the list you are. Higher rankings not only increase traffic, but also instill trust in users as to the worthiness and relative importance of the website. Companies like Google use an algorithm when ranking organized search results. They ultimately take into account, Keywords, HTML tags, and inbound links to rank different sites. Since Google takes into account html tags and keywords; it is of great importance to optimize these elements to increase the visibility of the website in the organic search. You should include keywords as often as possible, put most important information first, and avoid long paragraphs by breaking up copies. Following these simple steps will help increase the ranking of your website.

There are two types of SEOs; the first is called linguistic and the other is called technical. Linguistic SEO is primarily focused on the content within your website; while technical SEO is focused on coding and linking to search engines. Both work in order to steer web traffic to their desired sites. If you are looking to gain a better knowledge on the different types of SEOs the links below are a great reference. We hope you take the time to meet with us here at Run DMC so we can help you achieve your goals!

For more information on SEO follow the links below:

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