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Future Film Artist of Champaign

The University of Illinois’s College of Media is hosting its first annual Future Film Artist of Champaign festival!  The event will take place at the end of the Spring Semester in Foellinger Auditorium where students, staff, and cinema enthusiast alike will watch films submitted by undergrads! Although only films submitted by undergrads are accepted; the event is free to attend and is open to the general public, so come support your fellow ILLINI! Free prizes will be given out to individuals who show their school spirit, so make sure to wear orange and blue! If you are interested in receiving announcements and updates pertaining to the festival or are an undergrad interesting in submitting your very own film please feel free to email us at In addition, movie submissions should have a URL link to their short film. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @FFAC12 to receive important updates concerning not only Future Film Artist of Champaign but also other events going on around campus! Did you know that the ILLINI Football team is signing autographs outside the Union next Wednesday morning? You would if you followed me on Twitter! Send us a shout and we’ll make sure to follow you back! #filmdreams #makeithappen

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Future Film Artist of Illinois Proposal

Future Film Artist of Champaign calls the attention of anyone who has ever wished to direct or star in their very own short film! The title pertains to people in our geographical location and is broad enough to encompass any cinema enthusiast. will be the official email address for our festival. It is short, simple, and to the point. Students whom attend the University of Illinois will already be familiar with so they will only need to remember an additional 4 letters. Anyone who has questions, submissions, or request would be advised to send an email to that address. It will also serve the purpose of keeping participants informed with important information and announcements. We shall promote our festival through the twitter handle @FFAC12. It is extremely similar to the email address in order to remove any confusion when individuals attempt to navigate our entire digital media context. Our handle is short so it is easy to remember and the addition of the 12 is to distinguish the year of the festival. Our plan is to make a new handle every year with a different persona. The handles will communicate back and forth in future years to create a sense of camaraderie. We hope this in turn keeps our followers interested in our content and allows us to build a large fan base. Landmarks around campus like the UGL, Alma Mater, Bell Tower, Morrow Plots, and even Kams, will be the faces of these personas! Each year we will use a different landmark of the University as our twitter handle picture. The attitude of our persona will change yearly and correspond with the landmark being represented. The UGL could be serious, Kams could be silly, and the Alma Mater would be energetic and full of school spirit. They would not only make announcements concerning Future Film Artist of Champaign but also different events going on around campus!  Our first handle persona will be the Alma Mater, her post will try and promote school spirit with fun activates around campus ranging from athletics to academics. Our festival’s Blog, YouTube channel, Twitter and Facebook page should all be connected with similar aesthetics like: color, font, pictures and logos. Our universal colors will be orange and blue to correspond with our school. Our font will be Times New Roman, to keep it traditional and recognizable. As mentioned above we would use landmarks around the University as pictures on all our digital media. This is because they correspond with the geographical location of our event, and they are also easily recognizable by students and staff. The similarity and traditional look of our sites should give our content a real home feeling to whoever is viewing it. We will track our key performance indicators through the likes on our Facebook page, retweets, followers, people who sign up for our email list, people who submit videos, and finally the attendance at our festival. With this information we can better understand the demographic of the individuals that follow us.