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Server- Side vs Client- Side

Server-side scripting languages were first used in the early 90’s. Recently they have grown in popularity relative to lower-level languages. They have faster microprocessors which allow higher-level scripting languages to perform more complex functions. In conjunction, higher- level scripting languages are generally easier and faster to program, thus reducing development cost. The server- side scripting code is executed by the web application, on the server machine which in addition gives more control and power. Server- Side scripting is often written in languages such as Perl, PHP, ASP, NET, and Java. They also have greater access to the information and functions available on the server. Client- side scripting code is executed by the browser, on the client machine. Client- side scripting is easy to implement and the web applications can be more responsive. Embedding and external are two examples of this type of client- side scripting. Embedding script is just what it sounds like; it’s a script that is put directly into the HTML document. External script is a separate file, which is referenced by the document that uses it. This type of programming is vital part of the dynamic HTML concept, allowing web pages to be scripted, to have different and changing content depending on the users input, environmental conditions, or other variables. Client- side scripts have greater access to the information and functions available to the user’s browser. Both server- side and client- side scripts are available here at Run DMC! Our trained professionals can help guide you in the decision making process or you are free to choose for yourself. There are pros and cons to both depending on what you wish to accomplish, so make sure to set up a free consultation and let us help!